What’s the Difference Between Asphalt and Concrete?

asphalt vs concreteWhen constructing parking lots, buildings or roadways, asphalt and concrete are two popular choices that can stand up to the demands of the job. Boasting both strength and reliability, these two stone-like materials can withstand pressure and the elements better than other building materials like wood or brick.

However, asphalt and concrete are often mistaken for one another, despite their dramatically differing properties and applications. By choosing to use one over the other during a large construction project, you can ensure your structure or infrastructure remains solid for years to come.

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How Do I Maintain My Parking Lot?

maintain parking lot

The parking lot at your apartment complex, shopping center, school or warehouse may feel sturdy and unchanging once the asphalt officially dries, but your lot can only withstand so much. Though many would like to think their parking lots are a one-time expense, maintaining them regularly throughout their lifetimes can significantly reduce the damage it sustains and the cost of repairs down the line. How, though, do you maintain a giant slab of asphalt?

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