Repairing Asphalt by Resurfacing

asphalt road extreme closeup
Asphalt is a remarkably durable material that typically lasts for many years. In fact, some asphalt surfaces can last for decades if they’re maintained properly. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and that includes asphalt. After years of exposure to the elements, not to mention vehicle fluids and everyday wear and tear from vehicle traffic, even a durable surface like asphalt will begin to break down. The surface may start to show damage, and even the foundation below can begin to deteriorate. If you don’t maintain the asphalt – by repairing small cracks and periodic seal coating, for example – the surface is more likely to require complete removal or replacement at some point, so it’s definitely worthwhile to maintain the surface. But if your pavement has been well maintained, there might be another way to repair old asphalt: by resurfacing. Resurfacing is a much less drastic process than replacing the asphalt altogether.

What You Should Know about Resurfacing Asphalt

The first step in any resurfacing project is to determine whether or not resurfacing will work for your surface. If the pavement is too damaged – and particularly if the foundation is deteriorating – it may need to be completely replaced. Contact a reputable paving contractor for an assessment.

Once you know that resurfacing is the best choice for your pavement, your contractor can get to work on the job. Using an asphalt overlay is the most common method of resurfacing. An overlay consists of a hot mixture of gravel, stone, sand and liquid. This mix is poured over the top of your existing asphalt surface. After pouring is complete, your contractor will compact the surface using a roller. Overlay resurfacing doesn’t take much time. In fact, your surface will typically be ready for use in only 2 or 3 hours.

Resurfacing not only makes an immediate and dramatic improvement in the appearance of your asphalt surface, it can also extend the life of the pavement by another 10 years or even more depending on how heavily the surface is used.

As many benefits as resurfacing provides, it’s important to remember that it may not always be an option. If your surface is extensively damaged, or if the underlying foundation of the pavement has been compromised, you may need to replace the asphalt. The only way to know for sure is to contact a reputable paving specialist. If resurfacing is a viable option, it can not only save your asphalt, but save you money at the same time.

Maintaining Your Concrete Surface

concrete parking garage
Whether your concrete surface is a driveway at home or a large-scale parking lot at your place of business, maintaining your concrete surface is the best way to ensure that it lasts for many years to come. New concrete may seem indestructible, but it can become damaged after just a few years if it’s not cared for properly. Fortunately, maintaining concrete is relatively easy. Although some of these steps can be do-it-yourself projects, we encourage you to depend on the services of a reputable concrete paving company to ensure that the proper steps are taken at the appropriate times in the lifecycle of your concrete surface.

  • Keep it clean. It’s important to keep your concrete surface as clean as possible. Fluids such as oil, grease and gasoline are common spills on exterior concrete surfaces. A good quality concrete cleaner used in conjunction with a pressure washer is a great way to keep surfaces free of stains. This is a relatively easy task to do yourself if you’re just cleaning a driveway. But if your concrete surface is a large parking lot, you may want to hire a professional to get the job done.
  • Apply sealer on a regular basis. Sealing concrete on a regular basis helps to protect it from wear and tear caused by exposure to weather and vehicle traffic. Typically, concrete surfaces will probably need to be sealed every two or three years, but that time period will vary depending on the climate and the amount of use the surface endures. Concrete paving professionals can provide you with more information and recommendations about how often your surface should be resealed.
  • Stay away from chemicals if possible. Some chemicals can damage concrete. This is particularly true of products such as de-icers. If you live in a cold climate and want to provide traction on your concrete surface, try sand instead. Rock salt is another option, although that can harm plants that may live adjacent to your concrete surface, and salt can be corrosive to metal as well.
  • Don’t damage the surface of the concrete. Any type of tool with a metal blade can damage your concrete surface, so try to avoid use of instruments like snow shovels if possible.

Whatever you do, don’t underestimate the importance of sealing your concrete. Although concrete is a remarkably durable material, if it’s not sealed on a regular basis, it can form cracks and begin to flake after a certain period of time. Concrete sealant will help to prevent that. Concrete is a major investment, but if you care for it properly, it can last for decades.

Asphalt or Concrete: Making the Best Choice for Your Driveway

Choosing between asphalt and concrete for your new driveway surface can be a hard decision to make. Both materials are quite durable, and both can greatly enhance the appearance and “curb appeal” of your property. But before making your choice between the two, there are a few important differences between asphalt and concrete that you should keep in mind. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of each material.

Asphalt Advantages

Although concrete is a popular driveway choice for many homeowners, asphalt has its benefits as well.

  • Asphalt is less expensive. In fact, asphalt can cost as much as 50% less than concrete.
  • Asphalt has the ability to expand when temperatures fluctuate. This makes it a better choice for cold climates. If you live in a cold-weather climate, you should know that substances used to de-ice paved surfaces – such as salt, for example – won’t harm an asphalt surface.
  • Asphalt doesn’t crack as easily as concrete. Most of us have probably seen aging concrete driveways that start to crack and flake. Although asphalt can crack over time, it won’t flake, and it’s less likely to age as quickly as concrete.

Asphalt Disadvantages

  • Maintenance is required. In order for asphalt to last for several years, it will need to be maintained regularly. This includes making minor repairs as soon as any damage appears on the surface, as well as regular seal coating.
  • Asphalt doesn’t last as long as concrete. If you maintain your paved surface – whether asphalt or concrete – it should last for many years. But asphalt typically does not last as long as concrete. So an asphalt surface may last 20 years, while a concrete surface might last 30 years or more.
  • Asphalt can be harder to maintain in hot climates. The surface can soften and become sticky in extremely hot weather, so asphalt needs to be professionally maintained by paving professionals to ensure that it withstands these weather conditions.

Concrete Advantages

One of the most obvious advantages of concrete is all in the eyes of the beholder: many homeowners believe that concrete looks more finished and more upscale than asphalt. But there are other advantages as well.

    • Concrete lasts longer. Over the long term, concrete surfaces usually last longer than asphalt surfaces. In fact, concrete can last for several decades if it’s maintained and cared for on a regular basis.
    • Concrete withstands hot weather well. A concrete surface won’t soften or become sticky in hot weather in the same way as asphalt would.
    • Concrete presents more options. Homeowners can choose concrete surfaces in different patterns or colors, if they choose to do so.

Concrete Disadvantages

  • Concrete is harder to repair. If concrete isn’t properly maintained, it can crack and flake. Unfortunately, concrete isn’t easy to repair, which means that a damaged surface often needs to be repaved.
  • Concrete is more expensive. In fact, a concrete driveway can cost the homeowner as much as 50% more than asphalt.
  • Concrete is easily stained. Unlike asphalt, which hides stains well because of its dark color, concrete shows stains easily.

Make sure you choose the right surface for your driveway by contacting a reputable local paving company for an estimate. Trusted paving professionals can provide you with more information regarding how these different materials stand up under your local climate conditions.

How to Increase the Lifespan of Your Parking Lot

asphalt repair
The pavement around your business is a big investment, so it only makes sense to protect that investment in whatever way you can. Pavement needs to withstand not only heavy use from traffic, it also needs to be protected from harsh weather conditions. Fortunately, there are several simple steps you can take to increase the lifespan of your parking lot asphalt and protect your investment.

  • Protect it from water damage. One of the biggest culprits when it comes to damaged asphalt is water. Asphalt is made of aggregates and an oil-based binding material. If that binder dries out, it makes it easier for water to penetrate the surface. When water is allowed to seep into asphalt, it causes cracks. Your asphalt pavement should include effective drainage features so water doesn’t accumulate on the surface. It should also be seal coated on a regular basis so the oil-based binder doesn’t dry out and make the surface more susceptible to water damage.
  • Protect it from the sun. Living in a sunny climate is an advantage in many ways, but it can be hard on an asphalt surface. The sun’s rays dry out the oil-based binder in asphalt, and that causes oxidation. When that happens, the surface is more prone to cracking and crumbling. Once again, seal coating is an excellent way to protect the asphalt surface from the sun.
  • Fill cracks to prevent further damage. Whenever you notice cracks in your asphalt surface, have them repaired right away. Seal coating can repair small cracks and prevent them from becoming larger. Whatever damage you have – cracks, potholes, oxidation, etc. — should be repaired as quickly as possible to protect the surface from developing more extensive damage.

To extend the lifespan of your asphalt parking lot and protect your investment, there are two important words that you should remember: maintenance and repair. Contact a reputable paving company and ask their paving specialists what kind of maintenance schedule they recommend for your pavement. Scheduled maintenance will vary depending on what type of climate your surface is exposed to. In colder climates, the freeze/thaw cycle can be hard on paved surfaces. But hot climates present their own challenges as well. Follow the advice of a trained paving specialist, and remember to call them right away if you see damage on the surface. A well-maintained asphalt parking lot that is repaired promptly whenever necessary should last for many years.

How Your Parking Lot Brings in Customers

parking lotNo matter what industry your business is a part of, it’s very likely that your competition is steep. In this day and age, it takes creativity, hard work, and drive to run a successful business. But there’s one relatively easy way to keep up with the competition, and it’s something you probably never considered: your parking lot! Several studies have shown that having an attractive place of business – including a clean and well-maintained parking area – is key to bringing customers into your business. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Safety is appealing – You might not realize it, but people notice parking lots that appear to be unsafe, and they are more likely to avoid those unsafe areas altogether. Be sure that your parking lot is well maintained, well lit, and that your parking lot paint is fresh and bright. Handicapped parking areas should be clearly designated, as well as crosswalks and fire lanes. If you don’t already have wheel stops in your parking lot, contact a local paving company for an estimate. Wheel stops make parking areas much safer by slowing down vehicles and directing flow of traffic inside the lot.
  • Maintain your pavement – Be sure to have your asphalt parking lot seal coated on a regular basis to keep the surface in tip-top shape. Not only does it improve the appearance of the pavement and protect the surface from heavy use and the elements, seal coating also fills in small cracks in the surface, which helps avoid more extensive damage and more costly repairs.
  • Cleanliness counts – Keeping the outside of your business clean is just as important as keeping the inside of it clean. If your parking lot or store front appears to be dirty, people will be much more likely to take their business elsewhere, so sweep your parking lot on a regular basis. An added benefit — when people do patronize a business with a clean parking area, they are much less likely to leave their own litter behind there.
  • Signage helps – When you think about signage, remember parking lot signage as well. Make it easier for people to access your business by clearly marking parking lot entrances and exits.

We’ve all heard of “curb appeal” when it comes to residential properties. But curb appeal is important for businesses as well. If you want to attract new and returning customers, one of the best ways to do that is by increasing your curb appeal. Start with the parking lot. A clean, safe, well-maintained parking lot not only attracts customers – it’s also cost effective since keeping your pavement well maintained can save you from needing more expensive repairs later on.

How to Spot Asphalt Paving Scams

Paving contractorsWhile it’s true that there are a large number of reputable, dependable paving contractors from which to choose, there are unfortunately some people out there who are just the opposite. As is the case in any industry, you need to exercise some caution when selecting the right paving contractor for your home or business project. Here are some ways to spot asphalt paving scams.

  • Companies that are selling services door-to-door – Most reputable companies won’t need to go to this length to find new customers. If someone knocks on your door selling paving services, be careful. Ask if they have a website you could visit, and check online for customer reviews.
  • Pushy salesmen – Reputable asphalt companies won’t employ pushy salespeople who encourage you to make snap decisions. Paving professionals understand that it takes time to find the right contractor. They typically offer free bids and let you make up your own mind without pushing you to make a decision you’re not ready to make.
  • No credit cards accepted – If you come across a contractor who will only accept cash, think twice before doing business with them. Any good paving company will be happy to accept credit cards, and most will work out some form of payment plan that works for you.
  • No proof of insurance, bonding, or license – Any reputable company will be insured and bonded. And most will have a contractor’s license as well. If they can’t provide evidence of any of these, avoid doing business with them.
  • Forget about leftovers – If someone approaches you saying that they have paving material left over from another project, it’s safe to assume that they don’t have much experience in the paving business. Most paving professionals will know exactly how much material is needed for each project.
  • Service vehicles with no insignia – If someone drives up to your home or business in an unmarked vehicle, exercise caution. Make sure you find out their street address, phone number, and website information before even considering doing business with them.
  • You get what you pay for – If someone offers you an unbelievably low price for paving services, you can be sure that the quality will reflect the price.

Unfortunately, people are taken advantage of by paving scammers quite often. But the good news is that there are many more reputable paving companies than there are scammers. Simply by being a little careful, you can avoid the scammers altogether.

Hidden Signs That Your Asphalt Needs Repair

asphalt crackAsphalt surfaces are usually quite durable and can often last as long as 20 years if they’re maintained properly. This rugged material can withstand even the heaviest of traffic, as well as variable weather conditions. But even asphalt will need to be repaired occasionally. Here are some signs that might indicate that your asphalt surface needs to be repaired:

  • Cracks – Large cracks are a pretty obvious sign that your surface needs repair, but even small cracks can indicate that your surface needs work. Often called “alligator cracks,” these small cracks are surface defects that typically span across a wide area of the asphalt pavement.
  • Uneven surface – Asphalt that appears to be warped is particularly common on surfaces that withstand very heavy loads. Many times – if the problem is not too severe and is caught early on – the warped area can be leveled with an additional application of asphalt.
  • Puddles – Moisture is an enemy of asphalt. If puddles are forming on your pavement surface, it increases the risk of other damage occurring, such as potholes and cracks. Your paving contractor can take steps to improve the drainage and avoid some of these problems.
  • Stains and fading – If you notice stains or fading of your asphalt surface, contact your paving contractor. Stains are usually produced by chemical spills (such as automotive fluids), and those chemicals can damage your asphalt. Fading typically indicates older asphalt, and the older your surface becomes, the more likely it is to incur damage if it’s not treated quickly.
  • Sinkage – If the base of your asphalt pavement starts to erode, the surface can begin to sink. This is most common close to buildings and is often the result of downspouts and gutters depositing water and causing damage to the surface.
  • Crumbling edges – If you notice that the edges of your asphalt surface are crumbling, those edges will need to be cleaned up and replaced. Your paving contractor can provide you with more information about what needs to be done to resolve this issue.

Although all paved surfaces do occasionally need to be repaired, the good news is that asphalt is very durable and can last for many years if it’s repaired and maintained on a regular basis. If you notice any of these signs that your asphalt may need help, contact your paving contractor right away. And remember that by maintaining your asphalt on a regular basis, you might be able to avoid several of these problems altogether.

Asphalt Pothole Repair – What You Need to Know

Asphalt is a great alternative to concrete for paving everything from driveways to parking lots. This durable, yet flexible surface material is hard to beat, considering it cures quickly, it’s easy to maintain and repair, and it’s a lot less expensive than concrete. Whereas major damage to concrete paving requires wholesale removal and replacement, asphalt can be repaired and repaved at far less expense and with minimal downtime.

Unfortunately, asphalt surfaces are not immune to damage from the elements and overall wear and tear. With proper maintenance, including regular seal coating, you can stave off the worst damage, but over time you’re still likely to experience minor issues like cracks, chips, and potholes. Failing to treat these problems with haste could lead to worsening damage in a hurry, so it’s best to address potholes before they grow. How is this done? Here’s what you need to know about asphalt pothole repair.

Where do Potholes Come From?

It’s not much of a stretch to imagine the damage that tons of metal rolling over a surface can do over time, so as you can guess, traffic is a major culprit behind the appearance of potholes in asphalt pavement. However, you might not realize that the sun and other elements can be equally harmful to driveways and parking lots.

To start with, UV rays are harmful to more than your skin. They can also attack the chemical bonds that hold asphalt together, leading to cracks, chips, and potholes with time. Once a small pothole forms, the infiltration of water can significantly exacerbate the problem, which is why speedy treatment is so imperative.

How to Treat Potholes

Pothole repairs are surprisingly simple when completed by experienced professionals. Using high-grade materials, experts in asphalt repairs can quickly fill potholes and have your driveway or parking lot back in usable condition within 24 hours, and at relatively little expense.

Preventive Maintenance

Whether you’ve recently had cracks and potholes repaired or you’ve got completely new asphalt surfaces, the best way to prevent further problems is with proper maintenance, including a regular schedule of seal coating, and eventually, resurfacing.

With regular and thorough maintenance, you can keep costs low, preserve the beautiful appearance of pavement, and extend the usable life of your driveway or parking lot. Immediate repairs are a must when you notice potholes or other damage, but ongoing asphalt maintenance is the best option to avoid major damage in the first place.

Remove Unwanted Lines from a Parking Lot

Parking Lines
Once your asphalt is laid, the lines for parking spots are painted on, and a seal coating has been applied, you might think it’s too late to make changes. Indeed, it’s easier to get your lines right in the first place, but whether the mistake is on your end or you’ve recently moved to a location with a lot full of lines you don’t want, there are ways to address the damage, so to speak, and get what you want. Here are a few things to consider.

Why Remove Lines?

There are many reasons you might want to remove lines in your parking lot. Perhaps you want parking spaces to be larger or smaller, you want to add more handicapped spots near the door, or you plan to install a row of charging stations adjacent to your structure, and all the spaces must be pushed back to accommodate this addition.

Maybe you simply want to change an ill-conceived orientation to make for a smoother flow of traffic through your lot. There’s no shortage of reasons for wanting to remove painted lines from your parking lot, and the good news is there are a couple of options to explore.

Blacking Out

This is perhaps the cheapest option for removing lines from your parking lot, but it’s not the most durable or the most attractive. It essentially involves using black paint to cover unwanted stripes on your pavement so you can paint on new ones without undue confusion for customers.

Just keep in mind that you have to use traffic paint for this purpose. If you try to black out parking lot stripes with house paint or spray paint, for example, don’t be surprised if it starts to peel quickly under the assault of traffic and the elements.


If your asphalt is starting to show signs of aging in cracks, chips, potholes, and uneven surfaces, you might want to think about resurfacing the entire lot to extend the usable life of your lot and cover unwanted lines in one fell swoop. Once your new surface has been laid atop the old, you can add lines anywhere you want.


Asphalt is extremely durable and surfaces can last up to 20 years or more with proper maintenance and care. However, at some point you’re going to have to completely replace your asphalt pavement. If your parking lot has passed its expiration date, it’s time to resurface and add new lines to your heart’s content.

Options for Repairing Damaged Asphalt


Mother Nature presents some challenges when it comes to maintaining paved surfaces no matter where you live. But our hot and humid Texas climate can be particularly hard on asphalt, often causing cracks, potholes and other damage. When it comes to maintaining your asphalt surface, repairing damages quickly is key. Although there are some products sold to the public for asphalt repair, such as crack sealer and cold-mix asphalt, it’s always better to have repairs done by a professional asphalt repair company. If the repair is poorly done, the asphalt surface may continue to deteriorate, making repaving necessary much sooner than it would be otherwise. Fortunately, professional asphalt companies specialize in several different types of repairs that will restore the asphalt surface, including:

  • Filling cracks. It’s important to remember that even small cracks can allow for water and other liquids to seep into the pavement, and that can quickly lead to deterioration of the asphalt surface. But filling those cracks right away is a good way to keep the surface from deteriorating too quickly. Water is often the enemy of asphalt, so the sooner you have cracks repaired, the better.
  • Repairing potholes. Anytime a pothole forms – even a small one – it can have a devastating effect on an asphalt surface. For that reason, it’s important to have any pothole repaired as soon as possible. The key to effective pothole repair is in the quality of the materials used. Any reputable asphalt company will use only the best quality material to ensure that the repair stands up over time.
  • Skin patching. From time to time, worn asphalt will form depressions or dips in the surface. These depressions will, over time, weaken the surface. In these instances, asphalt repairers will often use what’s referred to as “skin patching,” which involves applying a thin layer of asphalt over the depression to even out the surface.
  • Seal coating. One of the best ways to prolong the life of the asphalt surface is with seal coating. When done on a regular basis, seal coating protects the asphalt from weather damage, improves the appearance of the surface, and guards against damage from water and harmful fluids.
  • Resurfacing. Eventually, almost every asphalt surface that still has a solid sub-grade will need to be resurfaced. It’s just inevitable for any outdoor pavement that is exposed to weather and wear and tear. Resurfacing, put very simply, involves applying a new layer of asphalt over an existing asphalt surface. The result is a surface that looks brand new!

While it’s true that nothing lasts forever, asphalt surfaces can usually be repaired by trained professionals using high quality materials. To ensure that your asphalt surface lasts as long as possible, keep it clean and have repairs done promptly by a reputable company.