Little Known Facts About Concrete


If you’re considering using concrete for an upcoming paving project, you may be surprised to know that there’s more to this material than the durable, hard surface found on roads, driveways and parking lots. In fact, our lives today would be very different without strong and long-lasting concrete surfaces. But concrete is nothing new and has actually been in existence – in one form or another – for thousands of years! Before you get started on your own concrete project, we thought you might enjoy some little known facts about this amazing material.

  • Rome wasn’t built in a day, but it WAS built with concrete! Ancient Roman builders developed a concrete-like material called “pozzolana,” which was used in their construction projects – some of which are still standing today.
  • Unlike other building materials, concrete is both water and fire resistant. If you want proof of this, just look at photos taken after fires and floods. You’ll see that many times the only remaining structures are made of concrete.
  • Virtually all underwater structures are built from concrete. As we just mentioned, concrete is waterproof – so much so that it’s the ideal material for underwater structures like damns, tunnels, sewer lines, piers, etc.
  • Concrete is different than cement. Some people use these terms interchangeably, but concrete and cement are not the same. In fact, cement is actually one of the components of concrete, which is made from about 60 to 65% aggregates (including gravel, sand and crushed stone), about 15 to 20% water, and about 10 to 15% cement.
  • It’s not just for driveways and roads anymore! You might be surprised at the variety of ways that concrete is put to good use nowadays. Because of the inventive new ways that modern concrete mixtures can be created, the texture, color and appearance of concrete has more variations than you can imagine. That’s why it’s becoming an increasingly popular material for floors, sinks, countertops, fireplaces, and much more. Not only is concrete a beautiful choice for the inside of homes and offices – it’s a surface that will last a lifetime!

Now that you know a little more about concrete, you should feel even more confident that this incredibly strong, versatile and durable material is the right choice for you and your home or business. After all, if it’s good enough for Ancient Rome and underwater structures, it’s sure to be a great material for your paving project!