How Your Parking Lot Brings in Customers

parking lotNo matter what industry your business is a part of, it’s very likely that your competition is steep. In this day and age, it takes creativity, hard work, and drive to run a successful business. But there’s one relatively easy way to keep up with the competition, and it’s something you probably never considered: your parking lot! Several studies have shown that having an attractive place of business – including a clean and well-maintained parking area – is key to bringing customers into your business. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Safety is appealing – You might not realize it, but people notice parking lots that appear to be unsafe, and they are more likely to avoid those unsafe areas altogether. Be sure that your parking lot is well maintained, well lit, and that your parking lot paint is fresh and bright. Handicapped parking areas should be clearly designated, as well as crosswalks and fire lanes. If you don’t already have wheel stops in your parking lot, contact a local paving company for an estimate. Wheel stops make parking areas much safer by slowing down vehicles and directing flow of traffic inside the lot.
  • Maintain your pavement – Be sure to have your asphalt parking lot seal coated on a regular basis to keep the surface in tip-top shape. Not only does it improve the appearance of the pavement and protect the surface from heavy use and the elements, seal coating also fills in small cracks in the surface, which helps avoid more extensive damage and more costly repairs.
  • Cleanliness counts – Keeping the outside of your business clean is just as important as keeping the inside of it clean. If your parking lot or store front appears to be dirty, people will be much more likely to take their business elsewhere, so sweep your parking lot on a regular basis. An added benefit — when people do patronize a business with a clean parking area, they are much less likely to leave their own litter behind there.
  • Signage helps – When you think about signage, remember parking lot signage as well. Make it easier for people to access your business by clearly marking parking lot entrances and exits.

We’ve all heard of “curb appeal” when it comes to residential properties. But curb appeal is important for businesses as well. If you want to attract new and returning customers, one of the best ways to do that is by increasing your curb appeal. Start with the parking lot. A clean, safe, well-maintained parking lot not only attracts customers – it’s also cost effective since keeping your pavement well maintained can save you from needing more expensive repairs later on.